With it's significantly smaller processing fees, Tithe.ly (using bank account info) provides the best stewardship of your money and is the preferred means of giving! Please select this link which will open up a simple and secure online form. The bottom of the form will have a selection for "Credit/Debit" or "Bank Account", please change t
With it's significantly smaller processing fees, Tithe.ly (using bank account info) provides the best stewardship of your money and is the preferred means of giving! Please select this link which will open up a simple and secure online form. The bottom of the form will have a selection for "Credit/Debit" or "Bank Account", please change to "Bank Account". Along with general personal info (i.e name, address, contact details), the form will more importantly ask for your bank's routing number and your account number, this can be found on most personal checks or bank statements). Note, the PayPal link is preferred for any debit/credit card donations.
Select this link if you are unable to use your bank account with the Tithe.ly link (The other green colored link). You will be provided with a simple and secure online form to complete your donation using your debit/credit card or PayPal account.
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