"Traditional" Service Times:
Sunday Morning 9:30 prayer, 10:00 praise & worship, 11:00 Sunday School/Sermon.
Sunday Evening 4:30 prayer, 5:00 praise & worship, 6:00 preaching/teaching.
Wednesday Evening 6:30 prayer, 7:00 praise & worship, 7:45 preaching/teaching.
Our "traditional" services consist of focused group prayer, a time of Pentecostal praise and worship, an opportunity to give financially, an Apostolic sermon from the Pastor or often another minister chosen by the Pastor, a time of personal prayer and response to the sermon, and finally a short time of fellowship with friends and family/brothers and sisters in Christ. Everyone is welcome and all are encouraged to attend! Please note that service end times are approximate and may run longer or shorter.
The Bible is an instruction manual for a fulfilling life and THE road map to Heaven!
2 Peter 1:21 says "Holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" and 2 Timothy 3:16 says "All Scripture was given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for corrections, for instruction in righteousness:".
We offer a free Bible study series called "Search for Truth" which can be taught at your house, the Church, or anywhere you feel comfortable and is a good place for learning.
Children's Sunday School Program:
During the sermon on Sunday mornings, all children are encouraged to attend our Sunday School programs. Teachers provide fun lessons about Bible basics, arts and crafts, and time for praise and worship. We provide separate spaces for pre-k, elementary, and teen classes.
Food Pantry:
For more than two decades our food pantry has been helping to supplement the needs of local families by providing a wide variety of perishable food as well as an assortment of non-perishable goods such as hygiene and toiletries items, cleaning products, and cooking accessories. Open to all families of any income bracket every Wednesday from Noon to 6:00pm.
Crossroads to Calvary Church is the local Salvation Army Service Unit for Waldo County. What that means is, we provide financial assistance to people who qualify, by issuing them one-time vouchers for up to $150.00 for just about anything that a family might be in need of (food, rent, electricity, clothes, etc). As Christmas draws near, keep your eye out for the Salvation Army's famous red kettles and for our cheerful volunteers! All funds collected in the kettles are used to help local families right here in Waldo county!
Since 2017, the Crossroads to Calvary Church has been Waldo County's Toys-For-Tots distribution center. Sister Heath and a small army of church members & community volunteers have been responsible for collecting and distributing thousands of gifts to hundreds of local families! As Christmas draws near, please keep your eye out at local vendors for the unmistakable toys-for-tots boxes; and if possible, please consider making a contribution to bless a child in need.
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Connect with us to schedule a free Bible study series!